Bizarre Oddities: Oh My, Obama’s Brother Says Barack Sold His Soul to Satan To Join the Illuminati
May 17, 2024
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Barack Obama’s brother has warned that the former President ‘literally sold his soul to Satan’ in order to join the Illuminati and gain access to wealth and power.
Obama’s Brother Says Barack Sold His Soul to Satan To Join the Illuminati:
— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) August 17, 2023
According to a 2013 GQ feature piece on Malik, the two share a father, Barack H. Obama Sr., and were once very close.
Three years later, something reportedly changed in the family dynamic. Barack served as president of the United States from January 2009, when he was inaugurated, until January 2017, when former President Donald Trump took office.
Malik told Fox News’ Sean Hannity in 2016 that he had a healthy relationship with his younger brother up until he was elected as president.
He cited communication difficulties and an inability to talk to him as contributing factors to the rising tensions. Malik did, however, admit to being invited to the White House at least once a year.
“Before he was running for office, he was everybody’s friend. I think that office has changed him,” said Malik, claiming Barack had fallen “into the matrix.”
He went on to express great disappointment in the former president’s “lack of humility.”
Malik also declared his support for Trump in the same interview. The 45th president was running against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D) at the time.
In a since deleted post, Malik also stated that his brother was homosexual.
Additionally, multiple accusers have come out in the past few years and joined in on the allegations, claiming that they have personally had homosexual relations with the former president at bath houses, clubs, bars, and even at political events.
Joan Rivers, a comedian known for not censoring herself and who has always been an advocate for the LGBTQ community throughout her life and career, also commented on the Obama “gay” theory in 2014.
CNN quickly put out an article referencing her statement and categorizing it as an attempt at comedy.
Rivers passed away on September 4th, 2014, due to “anoxic encephalopathy due to hypoxic arrest.”