Alarmed Phoenix Residents Call The Media About Very Scary Stealth Black Helicopters

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  • Don't Mind Those Stealth Black Helicopters Flying Over You City, Phoenix Residents Alarmed By Claimed ExercisesDon’t Mind Those Stealth Black Helicopters Flying Over You City, Phoenix Residents Alarmed By Claimed Exercises


    Nothing to see here?… DoD training for urban operations?


    Phoenix Residents Freak Out Over DoD Military Exercises

    Adan Salazar
    November 20, 2013

    The Department of Defense has been conducting training exercises in several cities in Arizona in preparation for “urban operations,” unbeknownst to its citizens.

    “Right now the military is in the middle of a big training exercise over Phoenix for the second night in a row. People are calling the 3TV News room wondering what’s happening,” claimed the 3TV news anchor.

    Phoenix residents were so alarmed to hear swarms of military helicopters flying overhead that they phoned their local news outlet to ask if they had somehow crossed over into a warzone.

    “They were very close to the buildings,” one witness told 3TV News. “…they would go back up and they would take off and just fly and then they would stop and then go again.” The interviewee was unable to tell what type of helicopters were used as the exercises were conducted under cover of night.

    Phoenix PD confirmed to 3TV News that the DoD was indeed conducting training exercises “trying to get military personnel certified in urban operations so that when they go overseas they are prepared.”

    That the military owns plenty of abandoned buildings and mock towns for training purposes was not questioned by local news.

    As Infowars has exhaustively documented, military exercises are routinely conducted in residential and urban areas as a way to acclimate citizens into accepting a constant military presence in lieu of local law enforcement, and in order to soften the gradual dissolving of posse comitatus, the law that supposedly bars federal military personnel from enforcing state laws.

    In Alex Jones’ film Police State 2000, Alex exposed several federal drills that took place in Texas in total disregard of public safety and without express permission from local law enforcement. Alex also details how Russian troops were allowed to join in on terrorizing the public.

    KTVK says other Arizona cities should expect military helicopters in the near future, as locations in Glendale, Scottsdale, Mesa, and Tempe have also been chosen as training grounds.

    Tags: Police State, Big Brother, News, Military Exercises,